About this map
The stores listed on the Nishitachi Night Map have agreed to the following pledge by the “Miyazaki Area Downtown Soundness Promotion Council” and the “Miyazaki Area Downtown Fare Alliance” and are cooperating in the creation of a safe and secure town for all visitors to Nishitachi to enjoy.
- *We will not tout, solicit, or otherwise engage in any other nuisance activities, nor will we distribute leaflets or tissues for the purpose of touting.
- *Do not park illegally or serve alcoholic beverages to drivers.
- *Do not provide protection money to gangsters or associate with gangsters.
- *We will keep the accounting clear, and will not cheat or commit any other acts that may undermine the trust of our customers.

We will continue to strive to make Nishitachi a safer and more enjoyable place to live and work. We hope you will use this map and have a special “Nishitachi Night”.
Nishitachi Community Development Cooperative